A dynamic social media platform with user profiles, post functionalities, and real-time updates.
React is used for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces with reusable components.
Node.js enables server-side scripting and handles backend logic, providing a scalable and efficient environment.
MongoDB stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format, making it ideal for applications requiring scalability and fast iterations.
Node-cron is used to schedule tasks, which can include automated data management or periodic updates.
Ensuring real-time updates for posts and comments.
Implemented WebSocket for real-time communication.
Enhanced user interaction and retention.
├── /backend # Backend folder (Node.js + Express)
│ ├── /config # Configuration (e.g., environment variables, database connection)
│ ├── /controllers # Business logic and request handling (e.g., post, comment, user)
│ ├── /models # Mongoose models for MongoDB (e.g., Post, User, Comment)
│ ├── /routes # API routes (e.g., posts, users, comments)
│ ├── /middleware # Custom middleware (e.g., auth, error handling)
│ ├── /utils # Utility functions (e.g., token generation, password hashing)
│ ├── server.js # Main entry point for the backend server
│ ├── .env # Environment variables (e.g., database URL, secret keys)
│ └── package.json # Backend dependencies and scripts
├── /frontend # Frontend folder (React)
│ ├── /src
│ │ ├── /components # Reusable UI components (e.g., Post, Comment, ProfileCard)
│ │ ├── /pages # Application pages (e.g., Home, Profile, PostDetail)
│ │ ├── /context # Global state management (e.g., Context API for authentication, posts)
│ │ ├── /services # API services (e.g., user authentication, post handling, comments)
│ │ ├── /assets # Static assets (e.g., images, icons, videos)
│ │ ├── /hooks # Custom hooks (e.g., useAuth, usePost)
│ │ ├── App.js # Main application component
│ │ ├── index.js # Entry point for the React app
│ │ ├── /styles # CSS or SCSS files for styling components and pages
│ │ └── /utils # Utility functions (e.g., formatting dates, handling likes)
│ ├── package.json # Frontend dependencies and scripts
├── /node_modules # Auto-generated by npm or yarn
├── .gitignore # Git ignore rules
├── README.md # Project documentation
└── package.json # Root package.json if using a monorepo (optional)